
EFUA “NEXT” Conference:  19 - 21st* April, Sofia

Join us in Sofia for the European Forum for Urban Agriculture to co-design a vision for better, more innovative and sustainable cities!  Whether you are a farmer, a community gardener, a chef stocking local produce, an environmental NGO, a teacher using a school vegetable patch to teach science, an urban planner, a researcher, or just passionate about urban communities, environment and food, we need your experience and ideas to help us define the shared social, economic and environmental goals of urban agriculture in European cities.

Our speakers include academics, practitioners, city authorities and civil society representatives. They will share their experiences and knowledge on the links between urban agriculture and improved urban environment and quality of life. Our aim is to use this frame of the debate to establish a thriving community of all types of stakeholders that are willing to engage in concerted and coordinated efforts to bring a more comprehensive vision of urban agriculture development and support in Europe.

The event is hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy as part of the  EFUA project, funded by the EC's Horizon 2020 programme.

The conference is open to the public on 20 and 21 April.

Conference Registration Form:

Full Next Conference details

List of speakers

20 April_Welcome speeches

20 April_ Setting the scene_Presentations

20 April_Setting the scene_Video

20 April_Good and Next practice Part 1_Video

20 April_ Good and Next practice Part 2_Video

20 April_Next Inspiration

20 April_Next Inspiration_Video

20 April_UA development trajectories on local, regional and EU level_Video

21 April_GOOD and NEXT practices of UA in city level policies_Video_ Part I

21 April_GOOD and NEXT practices of UA in city level policies_Video_ Part II

Short interviews - impressions of the conference

Yolanda Gonzalez (Urban Agricultural Specialist, New York City)