
EFUA as a Network of Networks
What is your vision for the future of the EFUA Forum?
- A (web-based) Community of people with similar interests
- A small hands-on coordination team (websites, events, contacts etc.)
- A “network of networks” (umbrella organisation)
- EFUA as platform for UA projects from all over Europe
- A bridge between Urban Farming and Urban Gardening
- A conduit for messages to the European Commission and DG’s
- Local and national networks can feed data about UA benefits into EFUA
- A meeting place where practitioners get meet and discuss issues in person and have the chance to make field visits
- A structure with functions that embodies all the above mentioned elements: a community that works towards understanding, expanding and improving UA practices for positive social, economic and environmental benefits – both in cities and in the countryside. It can be organised into manageable, smaller thematic working groups (depending on declared interests and expertise) with clear organisational structures (at least one responsible chair who organises the group by at least keeping updates on the respective topics) and a management group that coordinates the Forum’s activities. This structure and functions have a representation through an online space (a website and a mailing list) for sharing data and progress on the Forum’s goals.
For any questions or suggestions or if you want to join the EFUA as Networks of Networks write to us:
EFUA as Network of Networks
EFUA has made contacts with several national and regional networks during the project lifecycle. These existing networks can be considered as important regional footholds and will be used as anchor points for building a “Network of Networks”. The existing networks are mainly rooted in the regional context, while EFUA can interconnect these in order to take a broader European meta perspective on Urban Agriculture.