How Urban Agriculture Links to Urban Orientated Concepts:
Urban Agriculture (UA) can benefit, contribute to and link with Urban Oriented Concepts (UOC). EFUA partner organisations, Politecnico di Torino and Wageningen University and Research, have produced a handy, downloadable factsheet which is aimed at supporting decision making. It emphasises the relationships between Urban Agriculture, the demands of cities and Urban Agenda Policy themes with regard to the following key concepts (which have been analysed):
- Urban metabolism
- Urban/rural linkages
- Urban food systems),
The concepts cover different aspects of UA and are therefore helpful to specify the objectives to related UA decision-making. The benefits in relation to the three concepts are also mentioned, which are clarified to European policy makers to help support mainstream EU agendas and programs.
The Factsheet presents an abstract of task 3.2.2 (lead: Polito) and annex 1 of Deliverable 3.3 "Report on links to other urban concepts “(Responsible Organization: WR/PoliTO). Factsheets are intended as working documents for discussion and consultation within the EFUA project Forum. Further related contents can be found as outputs of Task 4.2 “In-depth analysis of urban planning strategies towards UA” and WP5 “Towards EU policies and actions supporting UA”.
photo by Daniel Münderlein