What are the benefits of joining EFUA ?

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What are the benefits of joining EFUA ?

EFUA provides a forum and a voice for anyone interested in urban agriculture, whether practitioner, policy maker, researcher or simply an interested member of the public.

Significantly, we need your help and support with our mission to achieve better networking, better knowledge, better deployment and better policies within the field of Urban Agriculture. We firmly believe that there is strength in numbers and that through establishing a critical mass of interested organisations and individuals, we can successfully unlock the potential of Urban Agriculture.

By establishing the Urban Agriculture (UA) Forum, we aim to develop new levels of stakeholder engagement, to influence decision making and to mainstream Urban Agriculture into European, regional and local policy.

Through joining EFUA, you can be very much a part of the networking process. You will gain access to an extensive and highly qualified network of practitioners as well as having the opportunity to participate in conferences and webinars on related UA themes.

Join us and help shape the future of Urban Agriculture !