RELEASE OF: Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 41 – “Linking future policies and next practices”


Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 41 – “Linking future policies and next practices”

This latest issue of the RUAF Urban Agriculture Magazine (no.41) has been produced as a partnership between EFUA and RUAF. It showcases tangible actions, outputs innovative policies, and unexplored angles of urban agriculture. It identifies challenges and opportunities, pathways for development, and promising policy perspectives and considers:

·     What challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the EFUA and UA ?
·     What are the future pathways for UA development?
·     What promising policy perspectives are emerging?
·     Which networks will help to articulate the multiple benefits of UA?

The magazine aims to answer these questions through showcasing tangible actions, outputs, innovative policies and new unexplored angles of UA, with an eye on the future and beyond the borders of Europe.

Download your copy here: