Urban Agricultural Heritage Book Launched

Urban Agricultural Heritage Book

CALLING ALL URBAN AGRICULTURE AND HERITAGE FANS !!! EFUA can solve your Christmas shopping worries !! 
The much anticipated book, "Urban Agricultural Heritage" is now available. This attractive, accessible and well-illustrated publication has been produced and edited by colleagues from RWTH University of Aachen and the INSUAH project on global UA Heritage. 
A must for any Christmas stocking !!! DON'T DELAY - ORDER TODAY !!!!!

Order your copy here: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783035622522/html

We are more than happy to announce the release of our new book: "Urban Agricultural Heritage". This wonderfully designed book - a compilation of diverse case studies - belongs to the bookshelf of everyone interested in sustainable urban development and the history and current status of farming in urban and peri-urban areas.

"Urban Agriculture Heritage" explores, how urban agriculture is part of a wider and complex cultural legacy which spans the globe across diverse cultures. However, this systematic approach of addressing urban agriculture as heritage, also shows us how traditional models of land management can also be relevant to the present and future challenges that our planet faces. Indeed, valuable lessons from the past can help to make our cities, as well as our food production, more sustainable in the future. 

"Urban Agricultural Heritage" sheds light on the process of "heritagisation" whereby such systems are accorded a cultural value. It showcases a large diversity of heritage approaches and thus, not only gives insight in global protection strategies, but also invites and introduces a local perspective on urban agriculture as heritage.

More information can be found here: https://www.la.rwth-aachen.de/cms/LA/Das-Institut-und-der-Lehrstuhl/Aktuelle-Meldungen/~youfc/Book-Release-Urban-Agricultural-Heritag/lidx/1/