Benefits of Urban Agriculture:
The benefit leaflets highlight the key benefits of Urban Agriculture (UA) to guide policymakers in the planning and management of urban and peri-urban agriculture. They include a description of the key benefits of urban agriculture, as well as the main points of attention in order to check for possible unintentional effects. Based on the consultation of EFUA partners, the literature review and considering the main urban policy targets, five categories of UA benefits related to different dimensions of sustainability were identified:
- socio-cultural,
- environmental and climate,
- food,
- health and well-being and economic.
Each benefit category is illustrated by examples and visual representations of some good UA practices to address cities’ demands and achieve urban policy targets.
For full details see the attached pdf document:
The attached document presents an abstract of Task 3.2 " Understanding the benefits of UA" (Lead: Politecnico di Torino). The full results were illustrated in the Deliverable 3.2 "Type-benefit matrix, including set of indicators, and benefit leaflets“. Authors: Cassatella C. and Gottero E., April 2022. The text of benefit leaflets are based on the list of benefits (Section 3.1.2). For any further details about benefits and unwanted effects, as well as references, please refer to Section 3.1.2 and Annex 4 of D3.2.
photo by Daniel Münderlein