Planning for and with Urban Agriculture


Planning for and with Urban Agriculture:

 The implementation of urban agriculture projects on the ground requires robust policies in place at City level to encourage appropriate adoption of best practice. EFUA partner organisation, Politecnico di Torino, have identified 9 key recommendations for successfully taking forward urban agriculture related public policies and planning tools. The planning guidelines focus on 9 tasks which public planning departments and urban planners should pay particular attention to when making use of UA as a means for urban development. These are:

  • Developing a participatory process and establishing a UA committee
  • Ensuring availability and access to public land 
  • Identifying existing and potential land
  • Creating a specific plan for UA
  • Defining regulations 
  • Developing financial or incentive tools
  • Developing facilities and infrastructure 
  • Supporting initiatives and urban farmers
  • Evaluating and monitoring public policies for UA

For full details see the attached pdf document:

The information in the attached Pdf file presents an abstract of the current Task 4.2 "In-depth analysis of urban planning strategies towards UA" (Lead: Politecnico di Torino) and is intended for discussion and consultation within the EFUA project Forum. The full results, which include "Guidelines to support city authorities in the integration of UA into public policies and planning tools", will be illustrated in the Deliverable 4.2. "Report on in depth-analysis on UAs role in urban planning“. Authors: Cassatella C., Gottero E., Cotella G., Salizzoni E., Pede E., Quaglia S., October 2022.

photo by Daniel Münderlein